Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

2009 is here now. I am amazed with how much has happened in the past year. My life has changed quite a bit. I am married now, that wasn't the case this time last year. and, oh yeah, I am living in Japan. Daily life has changed dramatically for me over the past year. I have three big things on my to-do list for 2009:
1- celebrate my 1st wedding anniversary
2- visit the US for a few weeks- most likely during the summer
3- get in shape!- since moving to Japan I have lost all my strength- I used to be able to do sit-ups and push-ups--I need to exercise.

Now, on a completely different note, here are some pictures! (admit it! that is why you are really reading this! =P )

Mixxie up Matt's shirt sleeve. eewww. =P

This is Mixie. She is the hamster Matt and I (mostly matt)are looking after while our neighbor is away. Mixxie likes crawling through tubes...its fun. I get to play with her without havint to touch her. =)

I am wearing my new winter coat I bought because my other coat is just not enough for winter here. After two days inside, due to lots of snow and icy roads, I was happy to be walking around near our house.

The roads were STILL icy two days after the snow fall. This road is covered in ice. We did not drive for a while.

Oh! one last thing! My mom suggested I mention SparkPeople It is a great website (and FREE) for those who are looking for help and support in their weight loss or fitness efforts. I would have to say it is the best site out their right now. Check it out. =)