I am surprised by this fact because my day was spent mostly shopping. I hate shopping. I always get overwhelmed by the crowds and the noise and the traffic getting to stores, plus having to give my money to stores when I know what I am buying is either a.) not worth what I am paying or b.) made by slave labor or something just as horrible. So yeah, I have a hard time with shopping. BUT I REALLY needed some things. It is getting colder and colder here, and I realized I did not have enough warm clothes to last me the winter. I was in desperate need of a big winter coat, some winter tops and a pair of pants that actually fit me. Since being in Japan, I have lost too much weight for any of my pants to look decent on me. So with these needs in mind, Matt and I ventured to Kofu and spent a number of hours battling traffic and crowds. In the end though, I got what I needed. I got a good, warm, jacket, three sweater/long sleeve tops, and a pair of pants that fit. Only odd thing was, the pants only fit in the waist. The pants were...you ready for this one?....too LONG!! Isn't that just crazy. I am pretty darn tall in Japan, and the pants I found were too long. I think I have realized why that was the case. The store I bought the pants at actually has a tailor company as well. You can buy your pants and get them tailored at the same time. Conveniently for the store, most people need a bit of tailoring to their pants.
Anyway, I got what I needed, though I am still on the look out for a good pair of winter boots. I think that having a list of actual NEEDS, as opposed to just browsing/shopping I felt a lot better about the situation. I got to spend some quality time with Matt and accomplished something.
PLUS to top it all off, I ate about 650 calories worth of sushi. Yeah I know that's a lot, but I hadn't eaten all day AND I had been craving the rotating sushi place for about a month now. It was great. I had a good day.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I had a good day
Posted by Tegan at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Life in Yamanashi!
You may have been one of the people to hear my complaints about Japan "I miss Panera Bread and Brugers Bagels!"
Right now, despite the food situation, I am loving Japan. The elementary school kids are adorable and fun to play with, while my elective English classes at the JHS are quite funny and I am learning more about Japanese culture...apparently this band ARASHI is THE Jpop band right now...who knew? =)
Okay! Pics time!!
BTW, I did not take these pictures (except for the last one) Matt took them while I was driving. I think he did a pretty good job! =)
One job thing I am concerned about, but can't do anything about, is what will happen with the elementary school visits come August. When new ALTs are brought to the area in August, we expect some changes to all ALTs schedules. The Japanese government has decided that elementary age children need more hours of English instruction. I believe its something like quintupling the amount of hours these kids are receiving now. So I am interested to see, and nervous to see, what the Board of Education is going to do with us ALTs. Will some ALTs ONLY have elementary schools? Will more ALTs be brought in to take on the elementary classes, leaving some ALTs ONLY at JHS? I don't know. I honestly don't know what I want to happen. I am pretty happy with my schedule, 3.5 days at JHS and 1.5 at elementary. I like all my schools in different ways, though everyone is nice. The elementary kids are great, but more than an extra half day with them, I might go crazy. It is just sooo loud and crazy! Though fun, I need headache pills due to the noise levels sometimes. So I will try and keep you all updated as to what the BoE decides to do about the new government English requirements.
Posted by Tegan at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Our beautiful town
I know I complain about living in Japan. Maybe I don't complain on this blog, but in everyday life I wish, as a vegetarian, eating in Japan were easier. But, there are some great things about where we are living now. That is what I want to show you guys.
Cute and odd shops in "downtown" Kiyosato
cool clock building
beautiful mountains
My wonderful husband AND beautiful mountains.
Mt. Fuji!
Posted by Tegan at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
This is my post of a whole lot of pics I have failed to put online so far. Since people are bugging me about my lack of pictures, this post is going to be a picture extravaganza!!!
Almost everywhere you look in Kofu there are signs telling people not to park their bikes there. Everywhere you see that sign you see at least 5 bikes parked underneath it. ha!
Japanese version of final Harry Potter book!! I'm such a nerd!!
When Matt and I were walking around Tokyo we saw a huge can of grape Fanta being sold in one of the many, many vending machines around. We bought said Fanta then 10 of 15 feet further on our walk we saw the following fanta for sale, for the SAME Price as the one we bought....this wouldn't happen in America.
Here is Matt watching some Sumo. We had fun.
More Sumo.
Me posing as a stupid American in Sumo Town.
Sumo dudes walking the streets in Sumo Town in Tokyo.
Sumo Ceremony. Pretty cool looking.
Matt and I having fun at Sumo still!
Matt took this pic while we were walking to the Ghilbli/Miyazaki Museum.
We made it to the museum!!
Outside the museum! We weren't allowed to take pics inside...though i saw many people doing so!
I loved this character from the movie, Castle in the Sky.
Matt being cute and humoring me in my desire to take a picture of him.
Posted by Tegan at 9:05 PM 0 comments