Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hey everyone! I am finally in my new hometown and I finally have access to the internet!! Sadly, I am only borrowing internet, I yet to have it in my own apartment, but my neighbor, another American teaching English here, is being very generous and helpful. Yesterday I signed up for a bank account and got my Japanese cell phone! It has been a crazy few days. I am honestly exhausted, and its only 8am here. Thankfully today I do not have anywhere i need to be. I am just going to clean my new home, and make it feel more like a home.
But first, I would like to share a few pics with you all of things I have experienced since I have been here:

this is a display promoting a festival nearby in the Tokyo hotel lobby...its huge and pretty I think.

This is a pic of the opening ceremonies (ceremonies are VERY important in Japanese society) for all the new English teachers through the JET program. More accurately, this is for Group A, Group B&C will be flying in over the next two weeks for their own orientation and cermonies. Needless to say, this is a very large program. It was a nice expereince however, because everyone was so friendly and willing to meet new people and were pretty positive despite the jet lag.

In a shopping area I saw this cute display of a kid in traditional grab...which was for sell, because the Japanese still dress in these sort of clothes for some occasions.

I some how found myself on the 43rd floor of the hotel and found a huge window and amazing views of appears to go on forever.

Finally home!! The 2nd closet apartment is mine. It smells a bit funny to be honest...I have bought cleaning supplies which I hope to begin using in the next hour or so to make my apartment more like home. =)

Hope you all are doing well!!


kelly said...

that's awesome..can't believe your there...posted but not sure it went thru..hope you get you!!! ...stay safe and keep posting:)