Sunday, July 27, 2008

I am in Japan!!

This will be a quick post because i am using a shared computer. I am in Japan. The flight was only 12 hours long and it honestly was not that bad. I splet through most of it which i think helped a lot. I got to the Keio Plaza Hotel in downtown Tokyo around 7pm japan time..or 6am eastern US time...keep in mind I left at 4am saturday and got here at 6am the next day crazy!!
Apparently the sun rises at 3am...which I learned the hard way since my roommate and I failed to close the blinds in our 36th floor hotel room. I have been up since 4 and I just know I will pass out due to Jet lag eventually.
Being without my husband and mom during this whole experience really stinks. I miss them both very much, but I love how the internet is able to keep us much more connected.
And now I will show you the pics I have taken since I got here..which is not much since I forgot to take pics for a while.

Other JETs I flew over with. Funny enough there were four or five of us from the Asheville area. apparently, Allie, with the long blonde hair, had calc2 with me a few years ago. Small world!!

One of the many JET helpers at the airport...which was soooooooooo humind..I have never experienced such intense humidity!!!

Traffic going into Tokyo.

Veiw from my hotel looks better in person. =)

well that is all for now. I have workshops and meetings all day today and tomorrow. Then I am off to my new home!!


Teegwen said...

I love my kid. that is great that you added the pics. it really pulls you into the whole trip. great blog. hey, what are your other 2 sites? :) i saw 3 sites under your name but maybe that wasn't you - i wasn't sure. :)

Anonymous said...

hey, how do you subscribe to this blog so it sends you notices of new postings? :)

glad you made it safe, have fun and let me know when you find a martial arts school.

Shifu Matt

Unknown said...

glad you made look and sound happy. I know "your boy" surely misses you, but we will try and kwwp him busy and happy (Smokey, too) until you two can get back together, which will be soon!!!! We're in Wilmington now visiting Wesley and hopefully this will keep his mind off how much he misses you! Be safe and have fun!

Tegan said...

Hi all. Thanks for the comments.
first, i have two other sites from a really really long time when i began college that are no longer active, so don't worry about that.

Also, I think there is an orange little icon (other than the blogger icon) at the top of the main page of my blog that allows people to subscribe and it will inform of updates.

and last but not least...Im glad everything is going well in NC. =)

Tegan said...

okay i slightly lied about subscribing to the blog. The orange icon is actually at the end to the web address at the top of the web browser. If that makes sense? =)